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Road to KubeCon NA 2024: Emin Alemdar & Alkin Tezuysal

In this episode of The Landscape, we spoke with Emin Alemdar, Solutions Architect at Sifted and CNCF Ambassador, and Alkin Tezuysal, database expert and maintainer of Vitess. Both based in Turkey, Emin and Alkin shared their insights into contributing to the CNCF community and building connections around cloud-native technologies. Vitess is a graduated CNCF landscape project.

What you will learn in this episode:

  • How to Start Contributing to CNCF: Emin shares practical ways to get involved, including presenting at meetups, submitting CFPs to Kubernetes Community Days (KCD) events, and joining local CNCF chapters.
  • Running Stateful Workloads on Kubernetes: Alkin discusses his vast experience with Kubernetes operators, database-as-a-service platforms, and the importance of supporting stateful workloads in Kubernetes environments.
  • The Importance of Local Communities: Learn how CNCF chapters like Istanbul and Izmir bring local cloud-native enthusiasts together and provide opportunities for knowledge sharing.
  • Vitess as a CNCF Project: Alkin reflects on his contributions to Vitess and how it serves as a powerful tool for managing databases in Kubernetes.
  • Tips for Speaking at Cloud-Native Events: Emin highlights why local CNCF chapters and KCD events are excellent platforms for sharing expertise and inspiring the next wave of contributors.

This episode is sponsored by OVHcloud.

Read the transcript

Bart Farrell: I’m very happy to be joined today by two fantastic guests, both active in the cloud-native community. First up, Emin Alemdar. For those who don’t know you, Emin, can you introduce yourself and tell us what you do?

Emin Alemdar: Sure! I’m located in Izmir, Turkey, and I work as a Solutions Architect at a company called Sifted. I’m responsible for supporting customers in the EMEA region. Like you, Bart, I’m also a CNCF Ambassador, and I try to contribute to the cloud-native community as much as I can.

Bart: Great to have you, Emin. Joining us as well is someone I’ve known for several years in the cloud-native and database worlds, Alkin Tezuysal. Alkin, you’re based in Turkey as well. Can you introduce yourself and talk a bit about your background?

Alkin Tezuysal: Absolutely! I’m Alkin, based in Istanbul, Turkey. My background is primarily in the database space, specifically in the MySQL community, but I’ve been working with databases for over 15 years, including enterprise database experience.

Previously, I’ve been active in the Kubernetes and cloud-native ecosystem, representing databases in these communities. For example, I’ve worked as a maintainer of Vitess, a CNCF project. Recently, I’ve felt a bit distant from the Kubernetes world and wanted to get back into it. I’m looking for ways to contribute with my database expertise, particularly in running stateful workloads on Kubernetes.

Bart: That’s fantastic to hear, Alkin. There’s definitely a need for more expertise in databases and Kubernetes. Emin, what are some of the ways Alkin—or anyone—can start contributing to the CNCF and its projects?

Emin: There are a lot of ways to get involved! First, you can contribute by attending conferences, whether in person or online, or by presenting at meetups and events. Submitting CFPs (Call for Proposals) to events like Kubernetes Community Days (KCD) is a great way to share your knowledge.

Since Vitess is already a CNCF project, Alkin could create a talk about it and share his experiences with the wider community. Another way is by joining CNCF’s local community chapters, which are under the CNCF umbrella. For example, I’m one of the organizers for the CNCF Izmir Chapter in Turkey. These groups regularly host meetups, webinars, and other events, where you can present your stories and insights.

Bart: That’s excellent advice. Alkin, do you have any talks or topics you’d like to share with these local communities?

Alkin: Absolutely! There are many areas I’d love to dive into with the community. Over the past four years, I’ve authored two books about databases, which have been effective in helping people learn more about the topic.

In addition to that, I have extensive experience designing, building, and launching database-as-a-service platforms using Kubernetes and Kubernetes operators. I’d love to share knowledge about running stateful workloads on Kubernetes, including pitfalls, lessons learned, and war stories. I think these topics could really resonate with the community.

Bart: Stateful workloads on Kubernetes are definitely an important topic. While adoption is growing, some folks still think it’s not worth the effort, or they subscribe to the “stateless only” mindset. Emin, what do you think Alkin’s next steps should be?

Emin: I recommend reaching out to CNCF’s local community groups, like the CNCF Istanbul Chapter, where I’m also an organizer. These groups are always looking for speakers with unique insights.

Another step is to submit CFPs to Kubernetes Community Days (KCD) events. These are local events organized by CNCF chapters, and they’re always looking for great speakers to share their stories and experiences. There are many KCD events globally, so Alkin can find one that aligns with his goals.

Bart: That’s a solid plan. Alkin, does that sound good to you?

Alkin: Absolutely. I’ll take a look at the local groups and KCD events and figure out where I can contribute. I’ll also prepare some content around my experience and the topics we discussed. Let’s reconnect in a few weeks so I can share how it’s going and give you feedback on my experience.

Bart: Sounds great. Gentlemen, thank you very much for joining me today. Looking forward to hearing more soon!

Emin & Alkin: Thank you! Cheers!